Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Journal: Death


If I was to die in a day, and I had unlimited resources at my disposal, I would find a way to donate it all to charity. I would go around the world visiting countries in need, and do good with my money. I would not want to leave this earth feeling like I had just squandered the perfect opportunity to help the world. I want to make sure my life has meaning. I know I may not be able to do all I want now, but given one day and unlimited resources I would want to feel like I had helped somebody, and done something with my life. Too many people these days focus on themselves. I understand that, and I do to, but at the same time you need to realise that their are many others who have much less than you do, and you can help them, even if only in a small way. Given a day with unlimited resources, I could help them in a big way. Sure I'd travel the world seeing different countries and spending a few minutes at each must see sight in the world, but I would spend most of my time going to places in need, bringing them all I can and donating to their cause, and just try to change some lives now that mine is spent.

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