Friday, April 8, 2011

Final Story, Twist Ending

Sean Duchek
Pr. 2
Twist Ending
Little Terror
                I was out walking one cool crisp fall evening. I was out to enjoy the stars and see the world from a new perspective. I made my way along my path crunching upon some freshly fallen leaves. As I walked I heard a noise, feint but close at hand. I spun around and waited but nothing came behind. I chuckled to myself and made my way onwards again. As I walked along the path within the park the trees seemed menacing and ready to pounce. They appeared to lean over the trail and reach out at me, trying desperately to halt my advance. Once again I stopped, for I had heard the sound of crunching leaves from behind me. I spun around, but once more to no avail. Now is when my heart began to race. I hurriedly began to make my way out of the park. As I walked the street lamps along the road seemed to flicker and go out. I made my way unsteadily along, trying to take long strides as I walked in the moonlit park. The moon was quite full and bright this evening, its pockmarked features clearly visible as it filled the sky.  Suddenly a howl pierced the night sky and I thought to myself, “A wolf, here?”. Once more I heard something approach so I broke into a run. I burst from the park and out into the city streets, panting heavily, sweat dripping from my brow, I waited.
I stood at the entrance to that park for quite awhile before I started to continue. Whatever it was hadn’t followed me passed the tree line. I stopped at Sammy’s street diner for a bite to eat. My nerves were quite rattled. The place was rather dark and musty; the few fluorescent bulbs left, struggled to cast a light into the darkness. Yes, Sammy’s had seen her better days, but they still had the best burgers in town. I plopped myself down into a bar stool and rubbed my temples, trying to force the queerness of the night from my thoughts. Big Joe came from the kitchen and said with a smile
“Aint had no one here passed 10 in quite awhile”
“You still open till 11 right joe?” I asked, sounding a little too much like I was pleading
“Of course, take your time; just ring the bell when you’re ready.”
“Will do”, I replied, with a bit more confidence.
I sat pretending to peruse the menu as if I had to make up my mind. I always ordered the same thing every time I was at Sammy’s. They had one the most amazing creations of mankind here, a Juicy Lucy. Not just any Juicy Lucy though, the Juiciest Luciest burger in town. Suddenly I heard a faint tap, tap, tapping at the door. I thought a patron may have thought the establishment closed. I turned around to inform them but found no one, no one at the door and no one in the Restaurant. Slowly fear began to fill the pit of my stomach. What if what had been in the woods had followed me here. What was it? I couldn’t say. Slowly sweat began to fall from my brow again and I felt dizzy. Joe came back again from behind the counter and hurriedly asked
“Hey, you all right you don’t look so good”.
“Fine, just fine thank you” I murmured.
“Just a glass of water for me Joe, suddenly my appetite isn’t what it was when I walked in” I said
“Sounds good, you don’t look to good bud, you should probably head home after this”
Genuine concern was written across Joe’s face. I sipped at my water a few times before I threw down a few bucks for a tip. Joe shouted after me “No Charge”, but it was too late. I was already pressing hard to get home.
                As I walked brusquely down the sidewalk I began to hear a faint panting noise close behind me. This time I didn’t stop to look but broke into a full sprint. I raced down countless blocks and avenues. I ran as fast as my legs would carry. My heart pounded against my chest, cursing every cigarette of my smoking habit. I finally came to the door of my apartment. I grabbed at my key and hurriedly tried to insert it. The panting came heavier now, closing in on me. I fumbled the keys down, into the drainage grate by my stoop. I fell down to the ground and covered my face and eyes in horror for what beast might come. Something and small and wet began to caress my arms. Whatever it was, it was licking me. I pulled my arms from my face and saw a cute little black lab puppy, its big innocent blue eyes looking to me. It let out a tiny yelp and began pawing at me, urging me to stand. I burst out in a fit of laughter. “Have you been the little terror following me all night?” I asked. The dog barked again and wagged its tail, happy as can be. “So, what am I going to call you?” I asked. As I picked the dog up and carried him inside, using my spare to let myself in.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Daily Journal: Class Recap

I had a good time in creative writing this quarter. I'm not going to lie and say that every assignment was fun, at times things did feel like they dragged, but it forced me to write and get in the habit of writing. It allowed me to improve my skills as a writer and open my eyes to new writing styles. I was able to work through some of the more difficult assignments which forced me to think in different ways. One thing I'd suggest for future reference would be to mix it up some days. Although the strategy of Journal, Lyrics, assignment,each day is effective, it can get a bit dull when doing it for a quarter long grind. Other than that I don't have too much more to say really, it was a good class to force me to start writing and learn to write a bit out of my comfort zone. As far as prep for college I don't know if this would be the best class to take for general students who's main concerns will be research papers and essays. However for anyone looking to get into any kind of English course work the varied writing styles allow us some invaluable practice of getting out of our element and crafting stories and ideas in different ways.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Daily Journal: Bad Expereince At A Resteraunt

One of my worst experiences at a restaurant is when I was a little boy and we were going to celebrate my dad's, aunts, grandma's and cousins birthday. They are all in the month of may so we always get together as a family and do one big celebration. So this year we decided to go to a very nice Italian restaurant down town. How this restaurant worked was multiple plates of food were brought out and placed on a big turnstile in the middle of the table. You would then spoon out a portion and pass it on. This place was gorgeous, with beautiful tapestries, roman buffs, and gentle music playing. The night was perfect, we had arrived in a limousine and had driven around seeing the sights of the city. When we got to the restaurant and sat down to eat it was splendid. Unfortunately I had a bit of an accident. I spilled my pop all over the turnstile into multiple plates of food. Thank goodness it was just my family around because they all laughed it off and ordered another batch. It was a really nice time and we all had fun, even though I had spilled all over the food.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Daily Journal

I swung the chair high above my head. Whatever this thing was it was my intent to make sure it didn't leave my house alive. I have been setting out mouse traps regularly but this rat must have been smart. Although I had never seen it I knew it must have been huge. The lump in the carpet moved with an unnatural quickness as I tried once again in vain to smash the chair down on it. It slipped away again moving to the middle of my floor. Suddenly it ceased moving. I crept forward, very slowly. I raised the chair to the sky and smashed down hard on the spot. Suddenly as the chair connected with the hump it disappeared. The shattered into splinters and the pieces fell with a clatter to the floor. I yanked the rug away to find a tiny hole in the floor where the hump had been. It seemed far too small to have been what the rat snuck through but maybe it had squeezed its way down. I ran to the garage and grabbed a crow bar. I was determined to end this tonight, once and for all. I pried the loose floor boards apart and looked down into nothing... there was nothing there... nothing at all. Just solid earth... Suddenly I heard a rapping at my door. I spun around to watch the door unlock itself and open... no one on the other side. I ran wildly screaming from the house as the lights began to flash widely and a cackle emanated from every corner of my head.

1. Daily Journal: If you could invent one thing to help mankind, what would it be?

If I could invent one thing to help mankind it would be a device that would make more hours in the day. For what people are expected to accomplish in a day there is simply no time left to stop and smell the roses. I apologies for the over used cliche but very few people now a days stop and take the time to simply revel in the beauty of the world we live in today. There is so much to learn, know and explore but rarely to we have the time to stop and think. We are constantly driven on to our next challenge, often times before we have had the chance to admire the beauty of the work we've already done. Life is too short to not enjoy some of the simple beauties that our world has to offer. Too often we just keep our nose to the grind and keep driving, paying no heed to where we are going, or how we even got there.

Final Sci-Fi

Final Sci-Fi
Sean Duchek
Pr. 2

I felt cold… wet… The jelly that enveloped me holding me, suspended. Darkness enveloped me. I could hear sounds far away, mechanical in nature, whirring; devices long left dormant began to turn once more. My eyes burst open but I could see nothing but darkness. I felt the dank fluids on my eyes. I blinked feeling the restorative juices flowing into my body. I soon began to remember things, fleetingly at first. I was placed in a stasis chamber long ago. The purpose I can’t seem to remember but I was sure I had been here for a very long time. Slowly the lid of the sarcophagus was raised. Light flooded into my world and my eyes riveted shut, not used to the glare. Extremely large cold metal hands gripped me and raised me from the goo. My throat tightened instantly and my body began to shake violently. I tried to gasp for air but nothing seemed to happen. I weakly attempted to open my eyes but a burning sensation met them as they made contact with the air. Suddenly I felt a sharp pain in my back and every muscle in my body went limp. I slumped forward and hit, hard against a slab of metal. My bodies’ functions began to return to me. I slowly drew breadth for the first time in over 10,000 years.
                I opened my eyes and the sight I saw scared me nearly to death. Standing before me was some large angel of death. It was a large metal man, massive in height, covered in strange symbols and etchings. In his hand he held a needle of sorts dripping with blood and some brackish fluid. I chocked on a scream, my throat dry and cracked. Had I died and gone to hell. Suddenly the monster lifted a finger to its face. Was it shushing me? Slowly the daemon placed its hands around its head and began to pull upward. Whatever it was it was wearing a helmet. Underneath this visage of death lay the face of a man. He began to speak to me though his words were fuzzy, my ears not yet fully functioning.
“My name is Mathias”, “You are being raised from your slumber, for we have need of your skills once more”
                My mind began to reel. What did this iron clad behemoth need from me? I still couldn’t remember a thing. The large brute before me could sense my confusion and began to speak once more.
“Do not worry my friend”, “The feeling of amnesia will pace with time”, “Come, if you are feeling fit to walk follow me.”
                Nodding slowly I swung my feet to the floor. Carefully I rose myself up. Though I felt feeble I began to walk, gingerly at first but with more confidence after each step. The warrior next to me towered above me and strode with the discipline of a well trained soldier. Each stride he took echoed throughout the metal passage and tingled beneath my feet. As we walked we passed scores of tapestries hung on the wall. They were covered in depictions of battle wear more of these warrior were shown fighting all manner of creatures and aliens. I repulsed at a few of them as I saw the creatures that populated the world I was suddenly thrust into.
“What in God’s name are these things, I breathed slowly”
Mathias turned and looked at the tapestry I had stopped in front of.
“Tyranids” He spat, “They are the reason you have been awoken”, “They have taken earth and we have lost our beacon for warp travel. We have no way of reinforcing our battle brothers upon holy terra as they make the last stand of humanity.
“Earth?”, I said in disbelief, what has happened to it.
“Utterly swallowed up by the scourge” He replied.
                These Tyranids, as Mathias had called them, looked like mutated alien creatures. They came in all shapes and sizes, covered in talons and claws with various glands that appeared to be able to secret venom at range.
“You say there are a lot of these things?”
“Roughly a million per hive fleet, and we are currently dealing with the incursion of 5 fleets. The only problem is as the damn things kill and feed upon every living thing on the planet they use it to make more of those monstrosities. The true number of them cannot be known. The larger ones always seem to be spewing out packs of the smaller creatures.”
So, I was brought to life to help stop an unceasing horde of Alien creatures intent on swallowing up all life in the galaxy… wasn’t that just peachy.
As we walked Mathias explained to me how humanity was on the brink of extinction. These creatures had already swallowed up countless worlds on their way to earth and now that earth was taken they had no way of traveling through the warp to reach Terra, one of the last bastions of human resistance left. This warp thing he kept mentioning confused me. Slowly I began to remember my work. I remember I had been working on the science of space travel. I had discovered a 4th dimension, a rift in the galaxy that could be used to travel quickly across vast distances in space. I had remembered my preliminary tests. It was lucky if 50% of his test crafts ever made it back. I remembered that you needed a source of guidance. You needed a beacon in our world of immense energies to use as a point within the warp that would let you know where you were in the 4th dimension by comparison. Without it you were flying blind. An energy source that large was not feasible. However this warrior of the future seems to be explaining that very principle and that that energy source had existed on earth. They had done it? They had achieved space travel through the 4th dimension? My mind was racing as the implications hit me like a ton of bricks. I must have missed so much… but why wake me up? I hadn’t the slightest idea of how to recreate what was built on earth using my preliminary research. All I knew was that it needed to be a source of immense energy, so powerful that it bled through the fabrics of reality and caused ripples in this so called “Warp”. I didn’t know if I could do it but I had to try. What could cause such a major reaction to occur?
Mathias and I kept walking until we reached a room filled with monitors and blinking lights. I looked around to see many forms slouched over screens. I looked on with horror as the people’s eyes were closed but flickered behind their lids. I saw long cables plugged into the backs of their necks that ran down into the floor.  They were plugged into all these systems into some kind of human/cybernetic/computer network. The window at the far end of the hall brought another realization to me. I looked out and saw the vast expanse of space stretching out before me. Billions of points of light stared back at me as the full expanse of space flooded me. It was all so beautiful.
We were in a solar system, an entirely different one then I had ever seen. There was a star surrounded by a number of smaller planets. Much like our solar system the planets looked as if they were set in an orbital loop around this sun as well.
“Ultra” Mathias breathed, waving his hand before him. “This is my home…” “Me and my battle brothers come from the planet Mcragge. It’s the blue one over there.”
                I followed his finger to the small blue world. It was covered in continents and leafy vegetation as well as oceans and clouds. It looked strangely like earth, only not quite.
“The reason we brought you back is because we have a plan…”
                Mathias’ voice sounded dull and hollow
“We believe that the destruction of a star may provide enough initial energy to make a single warp jump to Terra.
“Do not worry, the citizens of our home world and surrounding planets have been evacuated west ward away from the advancing tyrannid fleets. However if we destroy that star we will never be able to inhabit this system again… all plant and animal life will die and these rocks will return to the lifeless husks they were before this solar system formed. However with Humanity at stake we have few options remaining… we just want to know if it will work.”
                The full weight of the decision I was being forced to make dawned on me. This man before me was willing to send his home world to oblivion in order to race off and join the fight with the rest of his warrior brethren. If it failed and it was not enough they would be lost in the 4th dimension until they eventually slammed into a planet they could have no idea was there. If it did work they could join the fight and help to try and turn the tide of this desperate war. I thought for a long time, staring blankly into space.
“Well… I began… hypothetically… it should work”

To be continued

1. Daily Journal: The house was made of…

The house was made of wobbly wood. Having been hurriedly erected upon their arrival. Gabby looked about as her family hurriedly began unpacking their wagon and moving into their new home. They had come to this new place with high hopes and lofty expectations. When dad had talked about the wild west he had done so with a twinkle in his eye and determination in his heart. Now that they were actually there all they found was hard work, a threat of savages and a hard patch of soil. Gabby squinted off into the distance and could just barely make out the town in the distance.

"This place weren't no different then where we left", Gabby said to herself as she tucked herself into her new bed for a nice nap.

Gabby awoke to the smell and sounds of a fire outside. She could smell some meat being cooked up for dinner. She rose out of bed and walked outside. It was mighty dark when she walked over to the fire and sat down next to her mama. Gabby looked around at her family and noticed everybody was staring up into the sky. She thought maybe they'd gone crazy but decided to follow their gaze and see what they was up to. What she saw was one of the most amazing sites she ever did see! The sky was a light with beauty, all manner of stars twinkled in the night. So... this is the beauty dad had sought. Well it was truly marvelous.

Concrete Poem

Daily Journal:What are the 10 most important moments in your life to this point?

1. Giving an old ex a second chance
2. Deciding to play football instead of soccer
3. Sticking with it my whole life
4. Earning a scholarship
5. Going to Eastview
6. Going to Disney World as a kid
7. Mission trip to Chicago
8. Helping hurricane victims in Louisiana
9. Visiting my family in Europe
10. Being a Pall Bearer in both of my grandparents funeral


Football Villanelle

Upon the field the grass has grown
The blood the sweat the tears
To battle we go, the victory never known

In the sky the colors flown
Our opponents have great fears
Upon the field the grass has grown

Upon their trumpets the band had blown
Into the sky rise great cheers
To battle we go, the victory never known

I tape each joint to protect the bone
I look about unto my peers
Upon the field the grass has grown

Upon the ground, my enemy I have thrown
Our side erupts with menacing jeers
To battle we go, the victory never known

The lights of the scoreboard had shone
They know they've lost until new years
Upon the field the grass has grown
To battle we go, the victory never known

Daily Journal: Marian Bartsch and Joey Catsalgi met on his first day of work...

Marian Bartsch and Joey Catsalgi met on Joey's first day of work. He was an Italian Immigrant fresh of the boats, and she had been brought up in a fairly well to do suburban family. They couldn't have come from two more opposite backgrounds. This was both their first job but Marian had been working for a few weeks already and at least had a slight grasp on what was going on in the company. Being the newbie she had been assigned to teach young Joey the ropes. Young being a poor choice of words seeing as how they were both 16, but Marian felt she was the seasoned veteran and in turn deserved some added respect. 

"Hey Young Blood" Marian hollered, "Over here"
"The Names Marian"

"Joey", "It's nice to meet ya", He said tentatively, still not fully confident with his new language and also a bit shy when being greeted with a sea of new faces.

Marian proceeded to show Joey how to properly stock the shelves at the grocery store, and show him where everything was so he could help costumers find everything they needed. By the end of the day the two had become good friends and would sometimes even meet up after work to walk home together.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Daily Journal: Behind her the noise escalated


Behind her the noise escalated. It grew into a deafening roar as the sound reverberated off her back, and felt it rise and fall in her chest. Each crescendo and staccato keeping her in beat. She closed her eyes allowing her body to feel each pulse and beat ripple across her. Although her ears heard nothing but a muffled thud on occasion she knew the sound must have been pure beauty. Deaf from birth she had never heard the sounds of the choir around her. People had told her that her voice was angelic but she had never heard the sound before. Now, here on Christmas eve, she sang with all her heart and thanked god for giving the life she had. The massive church choir around her sang in unison belting out the song by heart. She knew it as well, and was able to keep beat by just the feel of peoples feet tapping around her and watching the conductor. Performing in the Basilica today however , with the multitudes of additional singers from various churches in the area, just the vibrations alone allowed her to know exactly where in the song they were at all times.

Very slowly she began to get a strange sensation in her head. Ever so slowly she thought she began to hear something. The sound came from far off and seemed to grow and grow and grow.

"Repeat the Sounding Joy"
"Repeat the Sounding Joy"
"Repeat, Repeat the Sounding Joy!"

The sound flooded her consciousness as the song filled her head and mind. Each voice in unison, hers as well, flooded in and filled her heart with love and reverence. Tears sprang to her eyes as the beauty of the music hit hir like a hammer. The first sound she had heard and it was the most beautiful thing you could imagine.

"Joy to the world"

She belted out each line with renewed vigour, her voice blending into the choirs like the sound of angles wings on the breeze. As the song lowly ended she heard the applause of the crowd for the first time. The thunderous clapping and whistles as people stood to their feet and praised the group. Ever so slowly the sound began to muffle, as if being smothered by a heavy quilt. Slowly, slowly, it receded. Until once again she had returned to the dull buzz and murmur of her condition. /she looked up to the ceiling of the dome in the Church and smiled, tears continuing to fall as she gave thanks for this chance to hear the most beautiful sound in the world. Even if it was meant for just this one time she was thankful for the chance.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Daily Journal: The Clock Winked

The clock winked in the darkness signaling the start of its cry. The shriek emerged from the plastic machine with a shrill note that pierced the morning air. I was shocked from my sleep. My hand fell with abandon upon the top of the infernal device. Silence settled over my room, I looked around, bleary eyed, trying to catch my bearings. Another dull morning greeted me. Outside I could hear the birds tweeting angrily as they fluttered off to distant branches, trying to avoid the clamour of my alarm. I closed my window and began to prepare for my day. The hot water of the shower was relaxing this early, too relaxing for I was on the verge of nodding off under its gentle caress. I turned the faucet to cold and allowed the sharp icicles to pour over my skin and jar me once more out of the haze into reality. This is the story of each of my mornings laid bare for the world to see.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Daily Journal: Spring Break

What did I do on break? Absolutely nothing... well that's not entirely true. While on break my girlfriend moved into my house because her parents are mean to her. I'm not gonna lie its been a lot to handle and I've been pretty stressed lately. It was hard enough getting my homework done with the distractions I already had, now its a total nightmare.

To cope with all this added stress I started up my warhammer 40k army again. I went out and bought a few more paints and grabbed some old unpainted models and went to work filing cleaning and painting my little army of soldiers. I just needed a hobby to get my mind of everything for awhile.

It's been tough adjusting to this new way of life. I'm not used to sharing my bathroom with another person, let alone a girl, who takes an hour to get ready every morning.

Now I just need to put my nose to the ground, get my homework done, get in the weight room and get ready for Concordia. I just want to finish high school.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Daily Journal: I once dreamed about


I once had a dream about playing college football. Being able to go out in front of throngs of people and put it all on the line. I love football, its in my blood, it has been since I was young. I remember all those years back, suiting up for a traveling game thinking I was on top of the world with only my dad and a few other parents out to see me. Flash forward a few years and now I'm suiting up for a couple thousand people each night and going to battle for my school and my city. I am going to play college ball, but at a school of similar size to my high school.   One day, it would be cool to do that on an even grander scale. The only way your going to achieve your dreams is if you latch on to them, and work every day of your life like an animal to achieve them. That's how I got from the traveling team superstar to the big stage of Eastview Highschool, now on to Concordia and some DII ball.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Brainstorming for Project

Waking up 100 years later I am pressed into a war I neither know nor care about. I am forced to fight for my life in a place that is both foreign and horrific. When the battle ends, I am faced with death and destruction on a scale I never imagined possible. I realise I was awoken merely to be sent to slaughter, for the sake of mankind. At least that's what I've been told.

When I wake up 100 years in the future I emerge in an empty underground facility. I see images of a war I know nothing about. The place is empty. When I leave I realise the earth has been turned into a desolate wasteland. I trudge into the distance to whatever may lie ahead.'

I wake up in a future of advanced technology and human progress. It is a Utopian place that is very advanced but at the same time the human psyche has been twisted into something unrecognizable. Entering initially with thoughts of hope and progress I slowly discover the truth behind our future. The price we must pay for it all.

Daily Journal: I wish someone had told me

Late, took a science test

I wish someone had told me how hard life was. Maybe then I woudln't have been in such a hurry to grow up. If I would of known how hard things would be I'd just want to stay a kid.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Science Fiction Brain Storm

I am a big fan of science fiction writing. I have a ton of ideas of stories that I could write about

Fallout: The fallout universe is rife with science fiction ideas that I could expand upon

Mass Effect: The mass effect universe has a cool back story that I can work with

Star wars
my own ideas ect.

The tough choice will be picking something and starting to craft a story

Daily Journal: Shoe Car

Shoe Car

Their once was a very bad idea, that after a few drinks, became a very good idea.

I make a left hand turn and drive down the road. I cant seem to shake the feeling that I'm being watched. Everyone seems to be staring at me. I don't know whats going on, maybe I'm paranoid. I pull into the gas station and begin to fill up. Once again I get the sense that something is very peculiar about the people around me. They seem to be glaring me down for some reason I can't explain. Once done pumping I enter the store and proceed to pay for my gas. I decide a car wash may be in order. I go over and purchase 10 containers of armor all wipes. When I go to pay the cashier looks at me in bewilderment and then looks out at my car. He shrugs and rings me up. I go outside and now a crowd has gathered around my vehicle. I  muscle my way to my car and begin buffing it up. At last I cant take any longer and shout "What, you've never seen a man in a shoe car before". Everyone recoils with an exasperated look on their faces. They seem at a loss for words. I continue to wipe down my car with a multitude of onlookers. Finally I get down to the last can and I use that for the interior. Now that I'm done I hop ionto my brand new V8 Rockport and begin my long, akward drive home.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Daily Journal: My Journey on a Pirate Ship

Me and me best mate max be pirates. We sail the seven seas in search of booty, Argghh. On on one of our misadventures we had an ecounter with a mighty beast. That beast was the Kraken. This is how the story begins.

It was a cool crisp mornming on the seven seas and I had just awoken to the heavy rockin of me ship and the rumble and ratlle of a storm. I quickly sprang up and threw on my coat. I opened my cabin door and was greeted by a heavy spray to my face and a good chill to the bone. The water like ice in a hail storm was bitign deep. It cuts to the soul if you let it. I run to the helm to find max holding fast to the wheel.

"I can't keep her steady cap'n" He shouted, barely audible in the mealstrom.

"You've got to you old bliter" I spat back.

We were nearly home, if only we could ride out the storm. A loud crack interupts my thoughts and I look up to see a mast torn in half and falling to the deck. Blast, if the sails arent closed and secured we wont be able to sail on in the mornin and it would be atleast another week till home.

I jump up to the nearest mast and begin my perilous climb to the top.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Daily Journal: Chubby Bunny!!!!!!!

Chubby Bunny

This is what you get when you feed him table scraps.

Alice finally caught up to the rabbit in wonderland

Peter Cottontail snuck into the field one too many times.

OK so I don't know what to write about here, I could try and write a story that would lead up to a rabbit being this size but instead I could only come up with a couple of dumb one liners. This picture is just so ridiculous that I have know idea what to write about.

Once upon a time there was a little rabbit named Peter Cottontail. Now one of Peters favorite pass times was sneaking into the farmers garden and eating his vegetables. Time and time again the farmer would chase him out but Peter was too quick for him to catch. The farmer had a plan and decided to let Peter be. With Peter not having to run away and having the whole field to himself he proceeded to eat and eat and eat until he was so big he could barely move. Then the farmer snatched peter Cottontail up and cook him in a stew. The farmer lived happily ever after.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Daily Journal: Loss


Superman watches in horror as Lois Lane falls from the building. Lex Luthor has cast her off and simultaneously launched an all out attack on  Metropolis. Superman must decide here and now who he will save, the love of his life, or the entire city with all its inhabitants. A stream of crystal tears slowly drip off his face as he propels himself up into the sky, racing towards the incoming meteors. Superman must catch each incoming meteor as it falls and throw it back into space. He throws himself with abandon at each one as the tears continue to flow. Soon only the largest of the meteors is left as it slowly begins to ignite in the atmosphere. He flies up to it and begins to catch it. A green piercing light emits from where he has embedded himself. The meteor is filled with kyrptonite. Supermans hands begin to burn as he presses ever harder against the rock. He slowly begins to fatigue and feel drained. The meteor slows but moves onward towards the city. With one last herculean shove the meteor is thrown back to space. Superman barely able to stay  in flight slowly presses up through the clouds. They seem to move on forever. He begins to feel dizzy and his eyes slowly close. Suddenly her bursts out of the clouds and into the sun. The suns rays quickly recharge him and he stands upright and defiant. He zooms quickly back to earth. There on the ground is the lifeless body of Lois. He begins to weep as he tenderly lifts her body into the sky and soars off into the dark as a light rain begins to fall.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Daily Journal: Paper Shredder


I awake startled to ear splitting screams and the whir of a motor. I look around at the room I am laying in. For the past few weeks I've been stuck underneath a stack of other sheets. It wasn't all bad. Frank seemed like a nice guy. He was a spelling test that the masters son had done. There was a big A+ plastered on his forehead. I look over at the fridge. "There he is", I say to myself. "Hey Frank!", I holler, trying to get his attention. He doesn't seem to hear me. His eyes seem screwed shut, a tear falls from his cheek. I hear it again, a mechanical tearing sound and the screams of other sheets of paper. Oh no, It can't be. It doesn't exist, that's just a story that mother sheets tell their kids when they miss behave. I am lifted high into the air. My face is smashed down, hard onto a pane of glass. A blinding light flashes into my eyes. I am pulled yup, bleary eyed and placed in another stack on the masters desk. I look up at a big fluorescent screen and see myself pop up on it. The master drags the copy me to a filing cabinet and saves me away. He then picks up the small stack of papers I'm in and hoists us into the air. Everyone is screaming and asking whats going on. I look below me in horror. The maw of the mechanical beast is wide and open. I see the blades staring up at me greedily. I see shreds of paper in its teeth ready to tear into me with abandon. We are slowly lowered into the maw of the mechanical nightmare. I begin yelling and  writhing, trying to get free. My feet press into the machine. Nothing. I open my eyes and look about. I am standing on the teeth of the mechanical creature and nothing is happening. I look over at a blinking light to my right. The light is flashing next to the words "Shredder full". The master grumbles to himself and crumples us up and tosses us in a waste basket. I breath a heavy sigh of relief. Retirement in a compost heap is a much better end then shredded by a monster.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Daily Journal: Death


If I was to die in a day, and I had unlimited resources at my disposal, I would find a way to donate it all to charity. I would go around the world visiting countries in need, and do good with my money. I would not want to leave this earth feeling like I had just squandered the perfect opportunity to help the world. I want to make sure my life has meaning. I know I may not be able to do all I want now, but given one day and unlimited resources I would want to feel like I had helped somebody, and done something with my life. Too many people these days focus on themselves. I understand that, and I do to, but at the same time you need to realise that their are many others who have much less than you do, and you can help them, even if only in a small way. Given a day with unlimited resources, I could help them in a big way. Sure I'd travel the world seeing different countries and spending a few minutes at each must see sight in the world, but I would spend most of my time going to places in need, bringing them all I can and donating to their cause, and just try to change some lives now that mine is spent.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Etheree Poem

Christmas Etheree

have a
story in
my head I'd like
to share today, with
you because it must be
told before I lose my mind,
it is about a special gift
I recieved one Christmas Eve, twas dark
when I awoke to find a soft sweater
all for me, beneath the tree the gifts lay
presents unopened waiting,
the only one I souight
was made tenderly
with love and care
by grandma
their, for

Daily Journal: How ridiculous I was as a... Include the words drench, silly, goofy, twist, octopus

Summer Fun

I was so ridiculous as a kid. When I was younger my mom had me enrolled in a summer daycare program through the YMCA. I had a great time going on all the field trips we went on and hanging out all summer with different people. I remember one time we were at a local park and had a water balloon fight. I was so silly and goofy as I tried to twist around and dodge water balloons in an effort not to get drenched. In the end I was hit and spent the rest of the day like an octopus, soaked to the bone. I had a great time over those summers when I was a kid. Now the wide open grass fields have been replaced by painted lines. The board games have become free weights. The friends I made are now the brothers I fight for. Although I may miss the free times of my youth, I wouldn't have it any other way, then getting ready for football in the Summer.

Acrostic Poem


Doesn't give up
University Bound
College Football

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Daily Journal: How would I change the world


Well the prompt asks us to start with our own government.
I would have are government be accountable to the people again. Our government needs to step back and realise that they don't keep us in our place, we keep them in power. Without we the people our government has nothing and they need to be reminded of that.

I would hope that the government could find a way to balance their budget and cut spending so that they can finally start writing their quarterly reports in black ink, instead of the dreaded red pen. We the people have been forced to live within our means and I think it's time for the government to do the same.

That doesn't mean that I don't support cooperation. I am a Republican at heart, but at the same time a moderate one at best. What is going on in Wisconsin is disheartening to me. I am proud of the governor for his willingness to cut spending and balance the budget but on the same token why attack collective bargaining rights? Having talked to many teachers they seem willing to cut wages, but at the same time realise that their Union is one of the few benefits to the job. My dad makes a little over what an average teacher makes and I can understand that the teachers feel, in comparison to other white collar jobs, they are making less money. However, they have stated they are willing to take pay cuts and that the only thing they are fighting is the attack on the Union. I just hope the governor can find a way to bring everyone to the table and figure this all out.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Daily Journal: 3 people

If I had to invite 3 people to the dinner table to talk to I would have to say Paul the Apostle, Socrates, and Albert Einstein

I would invite Paul in order to learn more about Jesus and what he did. I would love to hear first hand accounts of what he did while here on earth and who the man was who is my savior.

I would invite Socrates in order to learn more about ancient greek philosphy and discover the roots of modern western civilization and how and why the idea of democracy and freedom originally came about.

I would invite Einstein to open my mind to the modern age of science, and discover new ways of looking at ever day things in my life today.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Assonance Poem


The soul quakes, when the heart aches.
Their is no love, when you've killed the dove.
The tree is bare, in your forlorn stare.
I can't stand the night, whilst I'm in flight.
For what we had, I am glad.
For what would have been, now only could have been.
I believed it strong, but I was wrong.
To you I gave, what I should have saved.
I remember, last December.
This Christmas last, is in the past.
I dry my tears, for another year
I make my life, forget my strife
I must move on, to prove I'm strong

Daily Journal: Scared


It was a cool crisp fall evening and me and my parents were on our way home from the Burnsville Center. A light rain patters on our windshield as we drive down forty two and pass through modern suburbia. It seems awfully dark for 5 o'clock in the middle of the Summer but I chalk it up to being a cloudy day. A police car flies past us with its sirens blaring and its lights flashing. Suddenly a blinding light fills the car and it is as if the sky has been torn asunder. Our vehicle shakes violently as the thunder reverberates through the streets. I look up into the sky and it looks green and decayed as the clouds roil and boil like a thick stew. The low dull drone of the tornado sirens begins to echo through the sky as it moans out its forlorn baritone across the city. The officer has pulled over on the side of the road ahead and he is directing everyone off of the road. I look up at the sky and what I see has been an imaged burned into my mind for my whole life. I saw a funnel cloud forming above us in the sky. It was a furious looking cloud that was hanging low and then began to turn. From their I remember going to Carmike movie theatre and taking cover. The rest of the evening was a blur. That is why that night was the scariest night I have ever had.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Earlieat Childhood Memory

Disney World

My earliest childhood memory would have to be of my families trip to Disney World. I must have been five or six years old at the time and obviously I can't remember every detail but I do have some vivid memories, especially of some of the crazier rides. I'd have to say my favorite memory of that trip was going on space mountain with my older cousin Michelle and my grandma. Yes... My grandma. So those of you who don't know space mountain, its a roller coaster ride that starts off with you shooting through a tunnel, and then out into a big black room that lights up and flashes as you go through, as if traveling through space. Now I only saw the first big drop, after which I closed my eyes tight and held on to my grandma for dear life. All I remember is my Cousin having a great time and my poor grandmother yelling in Czech as we went whirling around. That trip was fun, and I had a blast. We made alot of good memories that trip, but the memory of me, my grandma, and my cousin going on space mountain is by far the most vivid one.

Sense Of Time Poem: Christmas

Red, Green, White
Tinsel, Evergreens, and Snow
The Bitter Cold, and the Cozy Fires
The Sounds of Children Shouting for Joy and families Laughing Heartily
Smells like Cinnamon and Ham
Tastes like Christmas cookies and Egg Nogg
Christmas is a time for families to be together

Friday, February 18, 2011

Daily Journal: Empire of Japan

I am Samurai

        A woman walks out into the cold night air. Her hands are shaking from what just happened… I walk up slowly. The crunch of snow beneath my feet echoes in my ears as I slowly remove my katana from its scabbard. She notices me and looks as if shes about to scream, when one of my men grabs her tight and holds a hand over her mouth. He pulls her aside and I continue my slow advance towards the house. We have been tracking these raiders for many leagues, and now is our chance to strike. Our men have this hill surrounded, and my troupe of samurai are dispatching with the rest of the rebels in their camps. They are drunk and lazy after their conquest of the town below. The leader of these dogs is holed up in the governors house atop this hill. We enter the main hall and my men quickly dispatch of the two guards at the door. Our blades are sharp and slice through these heathens easily. I hear a scream pierce the silence from upstairs. I make my way quickly and quietly up the steps. The scene of the governors room is one of butchery and horror. He lies dead upon his bed, stabbed countless times. I turn my attention to the room of his daughter where the sounds of a scuffle and a woman's screams are emanating. I see the bandit leader standing above the governess. I thrust my blade deep into his back. His blood pours over my hand like the sake spilled in celebration at my wedding last spring. As he falls I see my wife lying down in a beautiful green field before me, as cherry blossoms dance lightly in the wind. The image quickly fades as the young governess before me shouts and recoils in fear. I reach my hand out, and she retreats further into the corner and curls herself into a ball. I sometimes forget what I am. I remove my demon's face and pull off my helmet and set them on the floor. I pull her up and carry her in my arms down the steps to her mother waiting with my men outside. She weeps and takes her daughter from me. She falls to the ground with her as they embrace, both of them with tears of joy, and sadness stream across their faces. The governor's wife bows her head and thanks me as I gather my men and we make our way down the hill. I long for a chance to return to my home and be with my family. My wife writes me that we have a son born this fall. I want to be their to see him grow up and teach him the ways of our people. I look back over my shoulder up the hill and see the figures still holding onto each other... As long as men such as this can be allowed to roam the land my work shall not be done. I replace my face and place my helm upon my head. I am Samurai.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Parts of Speech Poem: Weight Room

The Weight-Room
Hard and Heavy
Working and Sweating
The Equalizer

Daily Journal: Free Write

I don't really know what to write about for this journal. It's our first without a prompt. I guess I could talk about my week but that'd be uninteresting.

It's eye popping to see the turmoil in the Middle East. I am very supportive of the people if they want to strive for a more democratic state. I just hope that those in power treat the populace well. Reports have come out of the military in Egypt using the same tactics of oppression and violence that president Mubarak used while he was in power. It's disheartening to see a people unified, who overcame a common goal, only to be put back in "their place" by those who fill the power vacuum. To see the populist sentiment spread to other countries in the middle east shows you the power of the democratic ideal, as well as the influence social networking can have on a nation. I am pleased to see that the people in this region are ready to throw off their shackles and persure democracy. The only question left to be answered is who will fill the seat of the new presidency. With the Muslim Brotherhood wanting to establish itself as a political party in Egypt, many believe a presidential candidate won't be far behind, and with past elections as examples, some in the west are wary of how fair this elections will be.

CINQUAIN about a Dog


Caught a squirrel
In our enormous yard
And brought it back to me with fleas
Poor Dog

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Daily Journal: Waking Up


I wake up and try to take a deep breath, but the deeper the breath the more severe the pain. The ground is hard beneath my back, and I feel a dull pain in my arm… I slowly pull myself up from the muck. I can feel the rumble of artillery falling around me as I make my way to the lip of the shell hole. I look about and see nothing but dust and dirt as the earth heaves into the sky. Like a roiling ocean it sprays its contents into the air with each successive eruption. Suddenly it is soundless. I drag myself up once more and begin to hobble... to where I cannot say... I look at my arm and notice the shell fragment protruding from it, it has cut into my side as well, puncturing my lung. I wince with pain as I pull my arm away from my side, and drag out the sharp piece of metal. I pray that I die soon.... I have seen wounds such as this, and have seen the men writhing in pain, while slowly dying from infection. I sit by on the stump of an old oak tree. I take out my flask and take a long swig of whiskey... It slowly starts to dull the pain. I look around at the field in which I sit. This war.... what is the point of it all?

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Metaphor:Football and War


People don't realise the many similarities between football and war
We draw up battle plans and execute with a cold efficiency
My job is to take a human being and attempt to break them down physically and mentally play after play
Like troop formations we change our own formations and attack from every feasible angle
On any given play my job is either to drop back and protect my QB like defensive lines in an army protecting their HQ or I need to charge forward and destroy my enemy by any means necessary. I use my size and strength while the army uses troops tanks and planes.
In military band of brothers it takes a special bond to go to battle with the man next you and think nothing of your own  safety...
In football you throw your body time and again at your opponents. You must have a special bond between you on the guys next to you, forged from hours of blood sweat and tears, in order to ignore the pain and suffering and go once more into the breach.

Daily Journal: Best Freind

One of my best friends is Max Apple. From the Summer heat and two a days to our time on the football field, through winter lifting and hanging out, to spring break and early summer. We go through everything together. We have countless stories of our exploits. From the time we spent riding our bikes around town to when I got my first car and we were the big shots on the block. What I think makes max one of my best friends is the fact that, over time, we have become almost like brothers. We know each other extremely well and are able to tell what were feeling. We've gone on dates with our girlfriends together, hung out together bled together and fought together. I wouldn't want anyone else by my side if I knew I had to go into battle because I know Max would be willing to go that extra mile with me.

Autumn Simile Poem


The cold wind blows like a shifting cool stream
The leaves begin to turn color like the mysterious chameleon
They fall in bunches like the apples ripe for picking
They litter the ground like a fresh snow fall, blanketing the earth
The sun shines low like a dimmed lantern in the dark
So are the ways of the shifting of the Seasons, Summer gone to Autumn

Monday, February 14, 2011

Simile Practice

1. A calendar is like a mirror because it can show you the world.
2. A sandwich is like a person because they are all unique.
3. An ice cube is like a cookie because they both disapear when taken out of their container.
4. A knife is like a whisper because each can cut you deeply.
5. Kissing is like a careful collision because it is organized chaos.

Daily Journal: A New World

New World

Out of the dark we came into the light. We descended from the black depths and the saw the light for the first time. The year is 2127 and the world has been destroyed by a nuclear war. We few people survived in an underground shelter in the hills of Yellowstone. There was no trumpet to herald our return only the squeal of infants not used to the sunshine on their faces. We traveled far and wide in search of something, anything. This new world is dangerous and only the crafty survive. You must be careful of everything you eat and everything you drink. We are able to purify our water but when were done it reeks of chlorine and chemicals. We are able to clean our food in much the same way but it must be turned into a paste that is then drank through a straw. Life is harsh on the surface. We head east for the twin cities, fires still rage across the western plains.

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Transition Poem : America


Brand New World
Ruff Transition

Unfair Taxation

Tea Tossed
Boston Lost

New Congress Talked
Militias Fought

New Freedom Won
By The Gun

Independence We Own
New Flag Flown


The Most Beautiful Place

In order to see the most beautiful place for me your going to have to visit Europe. Don't get me wrong, I love my country but I also love history, and if you want to visit a place steeped in both history and culture your going to have to travel to Europe. Now when in Europe some of the most amazing places to visit are the old Gothic cathedrals. The architecture and art within combined with the knowledge of the sheer manpower and force of will that went into building these structures in the name of God is simply awe inspiring. When confronted with a building that seems to scrape the sky above you that was constructed in the name of religion by thousands and then can walk up and see the most minute of details carved on the facade you really begin to see how major a role religion played in these peoples lives. The most famous of these would most likely be Notre Dame in Paris. So my perfect place would be a trip to Paris in the winter, sitting in that historic city with the clash of modern and ancient architecture wit ha gentle snow falling as a backdrop. That would be amazing.

Bucket List

  1. go to the Superbowl
  2. visit Rome
  3. visit Paris
  4. visit Berlin
  5. visit London
  6. spend a week in Prague
  7. go on a cruise
  8. get married
  9. spend more time with my religion
  10. go to the Rosebowl
  11. see the BCS national championship game
  12. learn Czech
  13. expand my German
  14. learn French
  15. visit the Louve
  16. have kids
  17. help build my own home
  18. learn how to work on cars
  19. go hunting
  20. enjoy life!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Limerick About After School

I watched a movie called shogun
Before my homework id begun
My mom had to shout
Like a big thunder cloud
I started before I had my neck rung

A Day in the Life 10 Years From Now

Its Wednesday, February 9, 2021

I roll out of bed, trying not to disturb my wife. I look at the clock, 5 o'clock sharp. I sigh, "always an early riser". Ever since my time in college football I can't help but naturally wake up at 5am. I slowly make my way downstairs. My dog sparky flops up to me and plops down by my side as I put some bread in the toaster. I open the window in front of me and feel the cool crisp are wash over me as it brings me back to life. I see the quaint suburban town before me, all the solar panels on the roofs glinting as the sun slowly rises in the distance. A car whirs by, almost without a sound. I reminisce of the days when gas powered cars ruled the pavement rumbling along spewing pollutants into the sky. Now those old things are considered antiques. These new electric cars are more efficient and friendlier to our planet anyways. I walk over to my coach and wave my hand to bring up my remote for the television. The new interface allows me to control it with just a few gestures of my hand. I bring it on as the image covers a wall of my living room. I change it to the news. Fighting still engulfs the world in the east. China fighting the Coalition of Japan... and we've still got our nose in Middle Eastern affairs. I look at the clock, time for work. I make my way to my room to tell my wife that I'm leaving. I kiss on the forehead as her eyes lull open and she focuses on my face. "I love you babe", "You too hunny" she says as she rolls back over and falls back into sleep. I grab my piece of toast and pat spaky's head as I walk into my garage. I grab my pistol from the wall and put it into its holster snug under my arm. I clip on my CIA badge and get into my car, off to work.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Ode to the Football Field

Football Field
The grass so familiar
The smells more like home
Where the battles of my life I've won
Where I compete tooth and nail with my adversaries
Where the crowd cheers me onward
Where I stand with my brothers, shoulder to shoulder
The Friday night lights shining down on me
My community watching my every move
Spotlight, Limelight
We Must Protect This House!

An Embarassing Moment

When I was a little boy there was a time that I mistook someone else for my Mother. It was at Disney World in Orlando Florida and we were waiting in lien for an attraction. It was a pretty long day and I was getting tired. I walked up to a lady who I presumed was my mom and put my arm around her waist and laid my head on her shoulder. She said excuse me young man, but are you alright? Boy did I get a start. I of course quickly apologised and told the woman that I thought she was my mom. Of course my mother was standing a few feet away laughing hysterically. So that's one of the most embarrassing moments of my life.... at least of the ones I want to share!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Why did I take this class?

I took this class because I enjoy writing. I like to express my ideas and thoughts and write what I feel. I also want to get better at writing. I am not the best writer when it comes to assigned work and I know that the only way to get better at something is to practice it and so I took a writing class to hopefully do something I enjoy and improve my craft.

Auto-Bio Poem

Massive, Friendly, Caring, Religious
Son of Jan
Lover of Family, God, Brittni, Freedom
Who Feels at home on the field
Who Needs time to be alone
Who Gives all that he can
Who Fears failing those he cares about
Who Would like to see a day of peace
Resident of Eagan

Story Prompt: Lion and Zebra

I feel the sweat trickle down my back streaming into cool pools beneath my tunic. I slowly remove my helmet clearing my vision. The Beast returns to stalking its original prey and circles slowly. I see fear in the poor creatures eyes, it knows even better than I what is to come. The Lion pounces on the animal... it is no more. I can't help but wonder, out here, in this foreign land. Who is the Lion and who is the Zebra? I bend down and fill my water flask in the oasis as the Lion happily enjoys its meal. I wash the blood from my chain and pull it back over my body. This war is not my war. They told me it was for God... if God really knew what was happening here he would rather not be offered the sacrifice.

Daily Lyrics Assignment

"The Times They Are A Changing"
Bob Dylan

1. I chose this song because I like the sound of it and the emotions it makes me feel. I first heard it in the movie Watchmen which is now one of my favorite movies.

2. It's describing a great change happening and begging people not to cling to their old ways and fight the process but to work through it. Written during the 1960's it became an anti establishmentary song. "An anthem for the hippie movement"

3. The structure is normal? It seems to have a rhyming pattern every few lines.

4. The tone sounds almost sad and remorseful but at the same time pleading. The person singing has accepted whats happening and is trying to tell people around them to do the same.

5. The lesson is that you either accept the changes and adapt or you are going to be left by the wayside.

6. To try and get people in power and the "authority figures" in our lives to understand that the young people in this country are changing and they need to accept that.

Come gather 'round people
Wherever you roam
And admit that the waters
Around you have grown
And accept it that soon
You'll be drenched to the bone.
If your time to you
Is worth savin'
Then you better start swimmin'
Or you'll sink like a stone
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come writers and critics
Who prophesies with your pen
And keep your eyes wide
The chance won't come again
And don't speak too soon
For the wheel's still in spin
And there's no tellin' who
That it's namin'.
For the loser now
Will be later to win
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come senators, congressmen
Please heed the call
Don't stand in the doorway
Don't block up the hall
For he that gets hurt
Will be he who has stalled
There's a battle outside ragin'.
It'll soon shake your windows
And rattle your walls
For the times they are a-changin'.

Come mothers and fathers
Throughout the land
And don't criticize
What you can't understand
Your sons and your daughters
Are beyond your command
Your old road is
Rapidly agin'.
Please get out of the new one
If you can't lend your hand
For the times they are a-changin'.

The line it is drawn
The curse it is cast
The slow one now
Will later be fast
As the present now
Will later be past
The order is

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